Best Commercial Deep Fryer 2023: Buyer’s Guide

buyer's guide

What’s inside this buyer’s guide


  1. Introduction
  2. Types of commercial deep fryers
  3. Styles of commercial deep fryers
  4. Things to consider before purchase
  5. Best makes of commercial deep fryers
  6. Used commercial deep fryers — worth considering?
  7. Frequently asked questions
  8. Commercial deep fryer glossary
  9. Keep your cash; use ours!


New Zealand's affair with fish and chips isn't just a fling—it's a legacy.

And behind every bite that makes your customers say "more, please!" is a commercial deep fryer.

Eager to perfect your fry game? Let's get to the crunch of it!

In this guide, we're dishing out the essentials: different fryer types, their standout features, and the top brands in the biz.

For every chef or restaurant owner seeking that unbeatable crispy finish – this is your roadmap.

Dive in, and let's make every fry count!



Types of commercial deep fryers

Starting or revamping a fast-food joint?

The right commercial deep fryer can make all the difference.

Let's simplify the most popular types and find the best fit for your kitchen.


Open pot fryers

Open-pot commercial deep fryer


If you crave simplicity and efficiency in your kitchen, meet the open-pot fryer – a top pick for many fast-food joints.


  • Design: Features a transparent tank with heaters outside for easy access and cleaning.
  • Functionality: Offers a spacious frying area thanks to external heaters, ensuring consistent cooking.
  • Ideal for: Establishments that primarily serve fries, onion rings, or chicken tenders. Its intuitive design means quick clean-ups, making it a favourite for high-turnover kitchens.



Tube type fryers

Tube-type commercial deep fryers


For menus rich in battered delights, the tube-type fryer stands out as a top contender, marrying innovative design with culinary precision.


  • Design: Integrates internal tubes, allowing gas to act as the direct heat source for the oil, all encased in a sturdy build.
  • Functionality: As gas circulates within these tubes, it guarantees an evenly distributed and consistent temperature throughout.
  • Ideal for: If potato fritters, battered fish, or any high-sediment foods are your restaurant's forte, this fryer, with its cold zones, will extend oil life and preserve taste quality.



Ribbon fryers

Ribbon commercial deep fryers


A testament to electric efficiency, the ribbon fryer offers unparalleled consistency and speed for those who value swift service without sacrificing taste.


  • Design: Distinctly electric, it's characterised by its ribbon-shaped heating elements stretching across the base, ensuring maximum heat transfer.
  • Functionality: The ribbon elements, known for their rapid conductivity, ensure the oil is brought to the desired temperature in record time and maintain it throughout service.
  • Ideal for: Ideal for establishments needing consistent temperature, quick turnarounds, and those who aim to minimise wait times without compromising on food quality.



Flat bottom fryers

Flat bottom deep fryers


A must-have for dishes that float on oil's surface, the flat bottom fryer is designed for delicate items that demand an even frying environment.


  • Design: As the name suggests, it features a simplistic flat base, devoid of tubes or other obstructions, ensuring uniform heat.
  • Functionality: The even base provides a consistent frying surface, making it perfect for items that remain buoyant during the frying process.
  • Ideal for: A favourite for those offering dough-based delicacies, be it doughnuts, tempura, or battered prawn, ensuring each item is cooked to perfection.



Pressure fryers

Commercial pressure fryer


These are not your average fryers; they mix the magic of frying with the science of pressure cooking.


  • Design: Built tough with stainless steel, these fryers come with a sealable lid that locks in the magic.
  • Functionality: Unlike your traditional fryer, pressure fryers amplify the cooking efficiency. By frying foods under high pressure, they reduce cooking times. The result? Crisp exteriors and juicy interiors. Plus, the adjustable settings mean you can tweak them for different delicacies.
  • Ideal for: If speedy, delicious frying is on your menu — be it chicken, fish, or snacks — this is your best bet for a commercial kitchen. Quick results, consistent quality.




Styles of deep fryers

Investing in the right fryer isn't just about current needs but also about future demands.

The style of fryer you choose can impact service speed, food quality, and overall customer satisfaction.


Countertop fryers


 Countertop deep fryer

These compact units are engineered to occupy minimal space while delivering consistent frying outcomes.


  • Design: Typically fashioned from stainless steel, countertop fryers have a front-facing temperature control interface, an accessible oil drain for easier cleaning, and often a twin basket design for simultaneous frying of different items.
  • Capacity: While they generally have a smaller oil capacity, their performance is commendable for lighter frying tasks.
  • Ideal for: Establishments with spatial constraints like food trucks, takeaway counters, or restaurants with limited frying needs. They're efficient for fries, chicken nuggets, and other quick snacks.



Floor-standing fryers


 Floor standing deep fryer

These are the heavy-duty players in the frying world, designed for volume and consistency.


  • Design: These robust units come with a larger oil tank, multiple baskets, and often, wheels for easier manoeuvrability. Temperature controls are more nuanced, allowing for precise frying.
  • Capacity: With a higher oil capacity, they can accommodate bigger batches, translating to quicker service during peak hours.
  • Ideal for: Busy fast-food outlets serving a consistent flow of customers. Perfect for frying chicken, fish, large batches of fries, and more.



Drop-in fryers

Commercial drop in fryer


Embedded within countertops, these fryers optimise space without compromising on frying quality.


  • Design: Once installed, only the frying basin and control interface are typically visible, providing a seamless integration into your kitchen counter. Easy-to-access drains simplify the cleaning process.
  • Capacity: Capacity varies, but these are generally on the medium side of the scale.
  • Ideal for: Concession stands, mall kiosks, or fast-food outlets in shared spaces where individuality and space-saving are essential.



Specialty fryers

commercial specialty fryer.


As the name suggests, these are all about specific tasks. They are primarily used for frying unique items like doughnuts and funnel cakes.


  • Design: These often have a flat-bottom design without the usual sediment zone, ensuring even heat distribution for specialty items.
  • Capacity: Varies based on design, but they're optimised for their specialty task, ensuring efficient frying for specific items.
  • Ideal for: Outlets with specialty items like doughnuts, churros, deep-fried Moro bar, or tempura. If you have a niche product, this is your tool.



Ventless fryers

Commercial ventless fryers


Ventless commercial fryers are game changers for spaces without a dedicated hood system. Equipped with their own ventilation and fire suppression, they ensure safety while delivering top-notch frying.


  • Design: They come with built-in air filtration and fire suppression systems. Often, they will have clear lids or shields to prevent oil splatter, ensuring a safer frying environment.
  • Capacity: Comparable to countertop or medium-sized floor fryers.
  • Ideal for: Locations lacking a full-scale hood and vent system. Ideal for establishments in shared buildings or rented spaces where extensive modifications aren't possible.




Things to consider when buying a commercial deep fryer


Type of food to be fried

Before you dive into selecting a deep fryer, take a closer look at your menu.


  • Size and shape: If your specialties are hefty—like whole chickens or fish—you'll want depth and generous basket space. Serving side orders like fries or onion rings? Go for fryers that offer multi-basket flexibility.


  • Battered vs. non-battered: Battered foods shed particles when fried, requiring fryers with specialised cold zones to collect these bits. But if your staples are non-battered, a conventional fryer will serve you just right.


  • Specialty offerings: Crafting treats like doughnuts or churros? You might be in the market for specialty fryers tailored for these delicacies.


  • Frozen or fresh: Frozen ingredients can challenge your oil’s temperature. A fryer with swift heat recovery is vital. Fresh items, while less taxing, still crave even, consistent heat.


  • Oil dynamics: Different dishes soak up oil differently. If fries are a hit, prepare for higher oil turnover.


  • Pace of business: High-volume outlets should prioritise robust, heavy-duty fryers. In a nutshell, let your menu guide your fryer choice. Perfect pairing ensures every serving is a crispy masterpiece.



Size and capacity

Size and capacity aren’t just about how big the fryer is; it's also about how many baskets it can manage.

Below are the different capacities of fryers based on the number of baskets – single, double, and triple.

Read on for more details on each.


Single Basket Fryers

These are your one-man army. Ideal for establishments with a limited menu or those starting small.

They're perfect if you’re frying one type of food at a time.

But remember, while they're compact and cost-effective, they might limit your multitasking abilities during those unexpected rush hours.


Double basket fryers

This is where things start to get versatile.

With two baskets, you can fry two different foods simultaneously without flavour cross-over.

Imagine frying fish in one and chips in the other—efficiency and speed without compromising quality. It’s a game-changer for medium-sized establishments.


Triple basket fryers

For the bustling, high-demand venues, triple baskets are your frontline soldiers.

Three different foods? No problem.

Or maybe you want to dedicate two baskets to your bestseller and one to a side?

The flexibility here is unmatched, allowing you to maximise output and meet varied customer demands with ease.



Settings, features and functionality

Next up, we're tackling the ins and outs of settings, features, and functionality.

This is where you ensure your fryer seamlessly fits the bill for your kitchen's needs.

Take a closer look at these key features when you're weighing your options:


  • Programmable temperature settings: This is the heart of precision cooking. Deep fryers with detailed thermostatic controls let you lock in and maintain the perfect frying temperature, guaranteeing consistency in every batch.


  • Safety mechanisms: You need an automatic shut-off feature. In case of overheating, this handy function kicks in to cool things down, preventing potential accidents.


  • Swift heat recovery: Essential for busy kitchens. Fryers with this feature quickly return to their set temperature after frying, reducing downtime and delivering top-notch results.


  • Advanced functionalities: Modern fryers have levelled up with technology. From pre-set frying cycles to oil filtration systems, these tools bring both efficiency and quality to the table. Keep an eye out for fryers that allow custom settings so you can tailor the frying process to specific dishes.


A fryer isn’t just another appliance. It's an investment in safety, quality, and efficiency. Make sure yours checks all the right boxes.




Filtration rids your oil of pesky food residues and carbon remnants.

The result?

Crispier, flavourful dishes and a safer dining experience.

Plus, it's a financial win; purified oil stands the test of time, trimming your operational costs.


Your filtration options:


  • Built-in systems: Integrated right into the fryer for no-hassle filtering.
  • External systems: Standalone champs, they attach and purify like a dream.
  • Portable systems: With mobility on their side, they cater to various fryers with ease.


The filtration advantage:


  • Peak flavour: Fresh oil guarantees consistently delightful bites sans any lingering aftertastes.
  • Eco-friendly savings: Extend oil life, cut back on waste, and take a green step forward while keeping costs down.
  • Prioritise safety: Purified oil slashes potential hazards, be it unexpected flare-ups or unsavoury bacteria. Safety and quality go hand in hand.



Energy/fuel consumption

In New Zealand, where we cherish our clean, green image, choosing an energy-efficient deep fryer isn’t just a business decision—it's also a nod to our commitment to the environment.

Here's a brief overview of gas and electric power sources:


Commercial gas deep fryers


  • Efficiency: Gas fryers often heat up faster and can recover their temperature quickly after batches, which might mean reduced cooking times.
  • Cost: Natural gas is generally cheaper than electricity in many parts of New Zealand. However, prices can fluctuate, so it’s smart to keep an eye on rates.
  • Environmental impact: While gas fryers might use less energy, they do release carbon emissions. If sustainability is a priority, ensure your gas source is eco-friendly or look into offsetting your carbon footprint.


Commercial electric deep fryers


  • Efficiency: Electric fryers might take a tad longer to heat, but they offer consistent heating. This uniformity can be crucial for certain delicacies!
  • Cost: Electricity rates can be steeper than gas in some areas. However, the higher initial outlay often balances out due to maintenance costs being generally lower for electric units.
  • Environmental impact: We boast a significant amount of renewable electricity (thanks to hydro and wind sources!). So, opting for electric fryers can align more with sustainable business practices.



Maintenance and durability

While commercial deep fryers are great time-savers, they do demand a bit of TLC.

Here's how to ensure it remains efficient and long-lasting:


Commit to cleaning

The golden rule: clean, clean, and clean.

A daily wipe-down of the exterior keeps it shining, while a thorough weekly cleanse—emptying the oil and scrubbing the fry pot and baskets with hot water and detergent—is a must.

If you're frying up a storm daily, consider more frequent deep cleans.


Oil filtration

Regularly filter that oil, especially if you start getting that burnt smell or if your food's getting too brown.

Once filtered, give those heating elements a good scrub and get rid of any lurking bits.


Professional inspection

Getting an expert in occasionally is a smart move.

They have the knack to spot issues you might miss and help you save money in the future.


Choose your oil wisely

Top-notch oil isn't just about taste; it's about caring for your fryer.

Invest in quality oils; they're the lifeblood of your machine.


Think long-term when buying

Looking to buy or upgrade?

Keep an eye out for material quality, design, size, placement options, and even the brand's reputation.

They play a part not just in how your kitchen looks but in how long your fryer will last.

A heads-up: Always ensure any products or accessories you consider are a good fit for your fryer.

Not sure? A chat with your supplier or manufacturer will steer you right.



Deep fryer accessories

Your deep fryer's going to be front and centre, but it's the little extras that can truly elevate your frying game.

Here’s a quick rundown of some essential accessories and extras for your deep fryers that can boost your operation:


Fryer baskets

Essential tools for the fryer, these baskets safely lower your food into the sizzling oil and retrieve it once golden.

Different sizes and shapes cater to varied frying needs, so choose wisely.


Oil filters

Think of these as your oil's best mates.

They extend its life by filtering out those pesky food particles.

A longer-lasting oil saves you money and guarantees that consistently fresh taste.


Splash guards

Safety first, right?

Splash guards shield your team from hot oil splashes, and as a bonus, they minimise those messy oil splatters.


Fryer covers

It’s like a blanket for your fryer, protecting it from dust and debris when it’s taking a break.


Sediment trays

These trays act as catchers for stray food bits, ensuring they don't hang around and burn in your oil.


Heat-resistant gloves

These gloves are a must-have.

They're an extra safety net, protecting hands from heat when your team's hard at work.


Cleaning kits

A clean fryer is a happy fryer!

Regular maintenance is the key to its performance and lifespan.

These kits, equipped with brushes and other fryer-specific tools, make the cleaning job a tad easier.

It’s not just about adding accessories, but the right accessories.

Ensure they're a match for your fryer model.

And if in doubt? A quick chat with your supplier or manufacturer should set things straight.



Best makes of commercial deep fryers



 Cobra Logo

Cobra, a powerhouse in the commercial kitchen equipment domain, is synonymous with durability, innovation, and reliability.

Tailored for bustling kitchens, Cobra's commercial deep fryers merge elegant design with unrivalled performance.

A hallmark of their fryers is the innovative 'cool zone', a game-changer for extending oil lifespan. Coupled with a high-efficiency rate and a formidable multi-jet target burner, Cobra elevates the frying experience.

If you're scouting for recommendations, consider the Cobra CF2 with its notable 'cool zone', 25kg/hr production capability, and robust 90 MJ/hr burner, all wrapped in stainless steel.

Alternatively, the Cobra Open Pot Deep Fryer—available in both LPG and Natural Gas variants—is a commendable addition to any commercial kitchen.

Shop Cobra commercial deep fryers now.




 Trueheat Logo

Trueheat, a titan in commercial kitchenware, seamlessly marries efficiency with craftsmanship.

Especially, where culinary fervour runs deep, the brand's deep fryers stand out for their robustness and adaptability. Why? They're engineered for the unique pulse and pace of busykitchens.

If you're looking for standout models, the Trueheat RCF4 dazzles with its swift frying prowess and stainless steel charm. Meanwhile, the Trueheat RC Series Gas Deep Fryer, tailored for aneclectic food scene, sets a gold standard in frying.

Choose Trueheat and let your culinary aspirations sizzle to perfection.

Shop Trueheat commercial deep fryers now.




 Woodson Logo

Woodson, a prized subsidiary of Stoddart, stands tall in commercial kitchenware, renowned for premium, reliable countertop fryers.

Tailored for abustling culinary scene, their fryers excel in short orders, from crispy chips to golden fish. Marrying innovation with safety, they feature easy cleaning and optimal cooking.

Spotlight on their stellar models: The Woodson W.FRT50 Double Pan Fryer offers stainless steel durability, designed for efficient, short-run frying with two 5-liter tanks.

Whereas the Woodson WFRS50 Benchtop Fryer ensures precise frying at 180°C, boasts unique tilt-back heads, and features a safety-oriented design including over-temperature cut-out.

Shop Woodson commercial deep fryers now.




 Frymaster Logo

Over the past eight decades, Frymaster has diligently honed its craft, becoming an industry linchpin in commercial frying solutions. Frymaster takes pride in crafting products that epitomise durability and longevity.

For a vibrant culinary scene, Frymaster's fryers are more than just machines; they're a testament to quality and sustained performance.

Among their remarkable lineup, the Frymaster OCF30G and the Frymaster 1814 Gas Fryer shine brightly.

The OCF30G is not just any fryer; it's equipped with a SMART4U® OCF30 3000 Controller, expertly guiding users in all operations, and a COOL mode, ensuring oil remains at cooler temperatures during idle times.

Meanwhile, the Frymaster 1814 Gas Fryer, tailored for high demand scenarios, prioritises oil and energy conservation. Its expansive frypot, measuring 18” x 14” x 3-3/4”, can simultaneously cook three food baskets, ensuring efficiency in bustling kitchens.

Both models resonate with Frymaster's ethos of reliability and durability, promising unmatched performance in the fast-paced world of culinary excellence.

Shop Frymaster commercial deep fryers now.




 Roband Logo

Roband, inspired by the names of the founder's sons, ROBert and ANDrew, embarked on its journey in a family garage in 1959 with a humble milkshake mixer.

Today, led by Andrew and anchored in Sydney, it has evolved into a global symbol of quality kitchen equipment.

For commercial kitchens, Roband’s deep fryers stand out, offering a blend of innovation and reliability.

Two standout models are the FR40 Fryer and the FR25 FRYPOD DEEP FRYER.

The FR40 boasts a robust stainless steel build, meticulous thermostat control, and critical safety features like an isolating switch and over-temp cut-out.

The FR25 FRYPOD, meanwhile, sports a contemporary brushed stainless steel aesthetic, precision thermostat control, and a safety mechanism that bars element removal when powered on.

Together, these models encapsulate Roband's commitment to excellence in New Zealand's bustling culinary scene.




Used commercial deep fryers — worth considering?

Spending thousands of dollars on a commercial deep fryer can put a strain on your budget and cash flow.

If you’d prefer not to invest a lot of money in a deep fryer, a cheaper, pre-owned appliance might be the solution you’re looking for.

SilverChef’s range of ‘Certified Used’ commercial equipment is mostly ex-rental equipment sourced from businesses we know and trust.

The equipment is typically less than two-and-a-half years old, has been fully refurbished by us, and is backed by a three-month parts-and-labour warranty.

Considering the effective or useful life of a deep fryer is much longer, you can be sure our Certified Used commercial deep fryers have plenty of life left in it.

You can either buy or finance the ‘Certified Used’ (and clearance) equipment on our website. (We’re one of the few financiers, if not the only one, in New Zealand that funds second-hand commercial kitchen equipment).

Read more about ‘Certified Used’ equipment



Frequently asked questions

How to clean a commercial deep fryer?

Cleaning your commercial deep fryer is essential for food quality and safety.

Follow these simple steps for effective cleaning:


  1. Safety first: Turn off the fryer and unplug it. Let the oil cool down.
  2. Drain: Once cooled, drain the oil into a suitable container.
  3. Dismantle: Remove frying baskets and, if applicable, the heating element.
  4. Soak and scrub: Fill with warm water and a dedicated fryer cleaner. Allow it to soak briefly, then scrub the interior to remove residue.
  5. Rinse: Empty the soapy mixture and rinse thoroughly with clean water.
  6. Dry: Wipe down all parts to ensure no moisture remains, then let air dry.
  7. Reassemble: Put all components back in place.


For best results, clean regularly, and always consult your fryer’s manual for specific guidance.


How to drain a commercial deep fryer?

Draining a deep fryer isn't just routine maintenance, it's about preserving the taste and quality of every dish served. Here's how to do it right:


  1. Safety first: Ensure the fryer is unplugged and fully cooled. This will safeguard against any unwanted mishaps.
  2. Prep your container: Position an oil disposal drum or container beneath the fryer's drain valve. This is where you'll direct the used oil.
  3. Begin draining: Once cooled, open the drain valve and let the oil flow into your container. A meshed or slotted ladle is handy for removing any crumbs or bits that settle at the fryer's base.
  4. Cleanse and clear: After draining, shut the drain valve. Using absorbent paper towels or clean, lint-free cloths, wipe down the fryer's interior.


It's a good practice to always refer to your fryer’s specific user manual or get professional advice for tailored maintenance instructions.


How much oil does a commercial deep fryer use?

The amount of oil a commercial deep fryer requires largely hinges on its size, the type of food being fried, and the frequency of its use.

Typically, commercial fryers might need anywhere from 20 to 25 litres of oil.

Yet, when it comes to electric deep fryers, they often have a maximum capacity of around 12 litres.

However, these figures are just ballpark estimates.

For precise requirements tailored to specific models and culinary needs, always refer to the manufacturer's guidelines.



Commercial deep fryer glossary



The process of cleaning the inside of a fryer using a special chemical mixture to remove carbon build-up and other debris.


Cold Zone

An area at the bottom of the fryer pot where food particles fall and settle, preventing them from overcooking and maintaining oil quality.


Recovery time

The time it takes for the fryer to heat the oil back to the desired temperature after food is added.



Another term for the main container or tank where oil is heated and food is fried.


Filtration system

A system integrated into many fryers that filters out food particles, prolonging oil life.


Sediment tray

A tray or area designed to catch food particles that fall from the frying baskets, usually located in the cold zone.



A device to regulate the temperature of the oil, ensuring consistent cooking results.


Load capacity

The maximum amount of food, usually in pounds or kilograms that can be cooked at once in the fryer.


Oil capacity

The maximum amount of oil, usually in litres or gallons, that the fryer can hold.



Keep your cash, use ours!

We hope this guide has helped you better understand what you need to look for in a commercial deep fryer and how to choose the right model for your needs.

If you want to know more, you can always reach out to the SilverChef team.

Hospitality equipment can be expensive, and paying for it outright can put pressure on your business’s cash flow.

Our finance solutions allow you to get the equipment you want now and to pay for it in small, regular amounts out of the revenue it generates for you.

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You can upgrade or buy the equipment at any time or, after 12 months, return or continue renting it.

If you decide to buy the equipment, we’ll give you back 50% of the rent you paid in the first year and 25% of any rental payments thereafter — to put toward the purchase price.

Read more about Rent–Try–Buy.